Six New Rahan Adverts

Greetings vintage mates. Here are six Rahan print adverts I recently acquired to add to my main Rahan post. 

Rahan. Au Pays de L’etrange. Pif Gadget 593. 1980.

Rahan is a fictional lone-warrior who wanders prehistorical earth on a journey of self-discovery and to help others. He made his first appearance in February 1969 in the French comic book Pif Gadget then later went on to feature in his own albums. Such was the character’s popularity in France that an action figure was licensed by Group Action Joe (the French version of G.I. Joe / Action Man).

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’72-’89, comic book art

The Thing N°6. 1983. US.

… TVTA has a ‘Thing’ about comic book art!

Welcome, vintage mates, to another selection of comic book covers and art spanning the 1960s to present. Feast your goggles on amazing art candy by Bill Sienkiewicz, George Perez, Al Williamson, Mike Mignola, Neal Adams, Moebius, André Chéret, Brian Bolland, Alex Toth, Alex Roth, and the late Ron Smith. As always, thanks for looking 🙂 

Marvel and DC

Batman Black and White

The Phantom

TV related

Conan, Sonja, Rahan

I’d like to dedicate this post to the talented comic book artist Ron Smith, who passed away last week, aged 94. Ron worked on many British comic titles like Hotspur, The Wizard, The Topper, The Dandy, The Beezer, The Victor, and Warlord, but he will always be most famously remembered for his prolific work on Judge Dredd. The last three covers are by Ron Smith.

Fond farewells Ron Smith, 1924 – 2019

Rahan – French Prehistoric Comic Book Hero

Rahan is a fictional lone-warrior who wanders prehistorical earth on a journey of self-discovery and to help others. He made his first appearance in February 1969 in the French comic book Pif Gadget then later went on to feature in his own albums. Such was the character’s popularity in France that an action figure was licensed by Group Action Joe (the French version of G.I. Joe / Action Man).

Pif Gadget gave away a number of Rahan toys as ‘gadgets’ in some of their issues, and Rahan was adapted into two animated TV series (1986 and 2006). The character was created by the writer Roger Lécureux and illustrator André Chéret (with later artwork by Spanish illustrator Romero). After the death of Lécureux, his son Jean-François Lécureux, took over as writer.

Rahan. Au Pays de L’etrange. Pif Gadget 593. 1980.

Rahan N°24. Pif Gadget. 1981.

Rahan N°25. Pif Gadget N°668. 1982.

Rahan N°26. Pif Gadget. 1982.

Rahan N°29. Pif Gadget. 1982.

Rahan. Pif Gadget N°793. 1983.

Rahan. Le Lance Filet De Rahan gadget. Pif Gadget 407. 1977.

Rahan Group Action Joe

Pif Gadget comic character, Rahan, gets his own action figure courtesy of Group Action Joe – the French version of Action Man! PIf Gadget. 1978.

Rahan from Group Action Joe. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Attention! If you read Rahan beware of Arok the Sorcerer!

Arok le sorcier et Rahan. Pif Gadget N°849. 1985.

Giant Rahan poster alert!

Un Poster grand comme Rahan. Dans Rahan 21. Pif Gadget 407. 1977.

Thanks for looking 🙂

Post updated Dec 2022 with new images.

Zombie cats, office cats, science cats and 1970s toy ads…

While hunting mice today, our office cat, Wooof, found these five French vintage 1970s adverts lodged down the back of the refrigerator. We hope they haven’t been there since the 70s (unlike our sub editor’s Christmas cheese selection or, indeed, the fridge itself!).

Anyway, we’ve been looking for these ads for ages. Well done Wooof, treat yourself to the afternoon off and go and visit some cat-science exhibitions in the town centre or something. You may also wish to send a get-well-soon card to brave Bart the zombie Cat

Here are the ads…

Kojak's action-packed Buick by Corgi. France. Pif Gadget. 1977.

Kojak’s action-packed Buick by Corgi. France. Pif Gadget. 1977.

Create your own medieval world with Playmo. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Create your own medieval world with Playmo. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Sindy Disneyland drawing competition. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Sindy Disneyland drawing competition. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Pif Gadget comic character, Rahan, even gets his own action figure courtesy of Group Action Joe - he French version of Action Man! France. PIf Gadget. 1978.

Pif Gadget comic character, Rahan, even gets his own action figure courtesy of Group Action Joe – the French version of Action Man! France. PIf Gadget. 1978.



Group Action Joe – often referred to as Action Joe is the French-licensed version of G.I. Joe (Hasbro – US) and Action Man (Palitoy – UK). Group Action Joe was distributed by the Ceji Arbois company in France and featured some exclusive characters such as French comic strip star Rahan, Albator, Captain Cosmos and the famous Zorro. Also featured were female characters Jane, Daina and Sandy.

TVTA is pleased to present a number of print adverts and catalogue pages spanning the Action Joe line from the 1970s and 1980s.

Pif Gadget 395 1976 Group Action Joe line up POST

Action Joe Jungle Mission. France. Pif Gadget. 1976.

Telejunior. 4. 1977. GroupAction Joe POST

Action Joe. France. Telejunior. 1977.

Group Action Joe PG 455 1977 Post

Action Joe communication radio centre. France. Pif Gadget. 1977.

Group Action Joe PG 453 1977 POST

Action Joe Delta Plane. France. PIf Gadget. 1977.


Above image: France. Pif Gadget. 1977. This superb artistic impression of an action scene featuring some of the Wild West range appeared as a double-page ad in some issues of Pif Gadget.


Above image: France. Pif Gadget. 1977. Another double-page artistic impression – this time it’s fire-fighting and rescue action!

Rahan Action Joe PG 471 1978 POST

Action Joe: Rahan! 1978.

Above and below image: Pif Gadget comic character Rahan even gets his own action figure courtesy of Group Action Joe – the French version of Action Man. France. PIf Gadget. 1978.

PIF 482_ Action Joe_1978 POST

Another Action Joe 1978 ad showing Rahan. Also shown is Jane and new items and features such as ‘Eagle Eyes’.

Below: Figures, uniforms, vehicles and accessories as shown in the C1978 Arbois catalogue, France.

Action Joe parachute. Arbois toy catalogue. France C1978

PIF552_1979_Action Joe_fullsize POST

Action Joe vehicles. Pif Gadget. 1979.

Pif Gadget 626 Sept 1980_GroupActionJoe Operation Niagra POST

Action Joe Operation Niagara. France. Pif Gadget. 1980.

Group Action Joe double page ad 1. Jungle Jeep. 4×4  France. Pif Gadget. 1980.

Group Action Joe double page ad 2. Jungle jeep 4×4. France. Pif Gadget. 1980.

Pif 660. 1981. Group Action Joe Plongee POST

Action Joe divers and frogmen. France. Pif Gadget. 1981.

PIF 658_Group Action Joe_ 1981 POST

Action Joe jungle jeep 4×4. France. Pif Gadget. 1981.

Pif Gadget 653 1981 Group Action Joe line up POST

Action Joe figures. France. Pif Gadget. 1981. This ad features ‘Mark’ dressed in the ‘Captain Cosmos’ costume and the exclusive ‘Zorro’ licensed for the Action Joe range.

Action Joe jeep and trailer, motorcycle and sidecar. Pif Gadget 529. 1979. France.

Post updated Dec 2022 with new images.