Top ten toys that are freaking me out right now! (ptII)

Pelham Puppets. FAO Schwarz 1974 1975 catalogue. US.

Greetings, vintage mates! This is a fun “part 2” to a post I made way back in 2020, in which I showcased some particularly disturbing toy adverts which were leaving me, quite frankly, completely freaked out!

yet, here I am again, once more a sucker for punishment, as I present 10 further foul examples of nightmare-inducing toy monstrosities!

As such, with my latest batch of creepy adverts, I think I’m pretty close to the stage of the below definitions:

Pediophobia or “the fear of dolls” is a specific type of phobia characterized by irrational and intense fear or worry of dolls. Pediophobia is closely related to Automatonophobia.

Automatonophobia – morbid fear of ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues or any inanimate object that simulates a sentient being.

Is it just me… or am I the only one to feel disturbed by my post header advert for Pelham Puppets? Take your pick, each puppet may surely possess the power to ‘string you up’ and leave you suspended in fear as they torture your dangling body…

Maybe it is me.

Maybe not.

Anyway, I’m not taking any chances, and neither should you!

Be warned…

Here is my latest top ten toy adverts that are freaking me out lately…

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The Very Hungry Cater-pumpkin-pillar!

Presenting: This year’s TVTA Halloween pumpkin…

“The Very Hungry Cater-pumpkin-pillar!”

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a 1969 children’s picture book, designed, illustrated, and written by Eric Carle. The book features a very hungry caterpillar eating foodstuffs before pupating and emerging as a butterfly. It has won many children’s literature awards and major graphic design awards. Furthermore, it has sold upwards of 50 million copies worldwide, selling roughly a copy per thirty seconds since its publication.(Info from Wikipedia)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, 1969.

Problem is… the Very Hungry Caterpillar is just too cute for Halloween! Let’s monster it up right now, TVTA style!

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TVTA pumpkin teaser, my new wife, and an ad-blast from the past!

Greetings vintage mates. Here is a teaser for this Halloween’s TVTA pumpkin creation… possibly my most ambitious pumpkin to date as it comprises more than 20 components across 3 elements, plus a background! Below are 4 mini pumpkins to be used along with some acrylic paint and, erm, chopsticks. Long-time readers will know that I make a pumpkin creation each Halloween for TVTA 🎃🎃

Clues: the creation is based on a classic piece of children’s literature which is known across many generations as a popular and fun story to read!

The protagonist is a type of creature somewhat prone to change!

750 vintage points up for grabs if you can name the title of the story the pumpkin is based on. Bonus points galore for just wildly guessing anything! All being well I should have the creation ready for posting on Monday 31st! 🎃🎃🎃

In other news…

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Asking for a friend…

Asking for a friend…

Letter addressed to the Wisborg branch of Herr Sargmacher & Sons, Fine German Coffin Manufacturers, January, 1838.

Dear Herr Sargmacher,

I am writing on behalf of a friend to ask if you might, by perchance, be able to supply a specialist coffin?

Length-wise you will be looking to accommodate a cadavar of approximately 6 feet 4 inches (1.92 m) tall, and with sufficient elbow room to allow for exceptionally long arms.

The lining must be of your finest red velvet, with the casing constructed of your sturdiest wood, and with a lid which may be opened and closed with minimal effort.

It is desirable that the coffin can stand upright as well as be laid flat.

As I say, asking for a friend,

Yours sincerely,

Count Orlok,


Asking for a friend… written by Ford Waight for Six Sentence Stories: a weekly writers’ challenge hosted by Denise at Girlie on the Edge blog. This week’s cue word is BRANCH.

Digital art by Ford with images from the 1922 film Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (German: Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens) directed by FW Murnau and produced by Prana Film.

TVTA & Atomic Mage Editor, Ford Waight. There’s a wasp? Where?

Creepy Toys Diorama, 1965

Greetings Vintage mates. As TVTA prepares for its annual Halloween pumpkin creation, here is a nice jolly toy image to get you in the mood…

Toy Diorama. Marie France 118. 1965. Photo Jacques Primois.

Some readers may remember a similar post I did a couple of years back: Top Ten Toys That Are Freaking Me Out Right Now. Today’s photo could probably qualify for a Top Ten in its own right!

Need to look closer? Dare you…

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Happy Halloween vintage mates 🎃


This year’s TVTA Halloween pumpkin…

Pumpkin Panda Pink Skater!

Lol 😁

Well, that was fun, and a bit different than what my sketchbook initially suggested… it was supposed to be a bit more, erm, intimidating, but ended up a bit cute (not that I would like to see this thing skating across the floorboards in the middle of the night!).

Pumpkin Panda wasn’t so much a carving this year as a construction piece, with lots of fiddly setting up of slices of pumpkin to make the arms, legs and ears, and then adding the skate parts.

During the build, I saw that one of the pumpkins had started to rot inside … yeuch (note to self not to buy them so early next year)… some of the rotten arm and leg parts are luckily disguised by the skate pads! Then I ran out of white and red paint – she was supposed to be a pink panda, and so I had to change colour scheme to an orange/terracotta (note to self to check art materials next time!) … and then on completion I realised I had no witchy brew to celebrate (note to self to buy more beer) … and then when all was done it took me about an hour and a half to clear up the kitchen in time for dinner… eventually though, I was pleased with this year’s effort (and I got to wear my old Nirvana apron from art session days).

Hope you like Pumpkin Panda Pink Skater 🎃 🐼

Look out! The editor and pumpkin panda spot nefarious poachers in the middle distance of the TVTA art/kitchen studio and prepare to defend their art!!

Below is a gallery of TVTA’s previous Halloween creations.

Happy Halloween vintage mates! 🎃🎃🎃

Thanks for looking! 🙂

The TVTA 2021 Halloween Pumpkin Teaser!

Take one large size pumpkin, one medium pumpkin, one skateboard, some conkers and a witchy brew…

Not long till Halloween! And TVTA went shopping to pick up some of the parts for this year’s pumpkin carving ritual. Last year’s Med-Hed proved to be a popular Jack-O-Lantern treat…

As for this year, what can TVTA possibly have in store? 🎃🎃🎃

Anyone else have plans to make a pumpkin or do anything cool this Halloween?