Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy in Chirashi

The Lord of the Rings trilogy trilogy is considered one of the most ambitious film projects ever undertaken, with a budget somewhere in the region of $281 million and a filming schedule of eight years. The trilogy received overwhelming praise and won 17 out of 30 Academy Award nominations. TVTA is pleased to present Chirashi poster versions of all three films as advertised and made available in Japan at the time.

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Two Towers

The Return of the King

The Motion Picture Trilogy

Thankyou for simply walking into Mordor with us 🙂

Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings merchandise adverts.

Lord of the Rings sculpture banks. USA. Creepy Mag. 1980.

Lord of the Rings. Collector’s Edition. Creepy. 1980. US.

Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson. 2005. Japanese poster