TVTA Christmas selection box 2022 – the marvelous universe of toys!

Cover detail. Arbois toy catalogue. France. C1978.

Greetings vintage mates! It’s that time of year again when your humble TVTA editor and his intrepid office cat, Wooof, search high and yo-ho-ho low for some seasonal scans to warm the cockles of your Christmas heart!

So, sit back, slip on your Ewok slippers, grab a mince pie, and allow us to mull your wine and get figgy with your pudding, as TVTA presents you with some delightful toys and games from yesteryear courtesy of the French Arbois catalogue (no date printed on this catalogue, alas, but I’m staking the Christmas raffle on it being 1978! Wooof says it’s 1980… but I think he’s had one too many sherries and is meowing up the wrong Christmas tree. Furballs ahoy!). This Arbois catalogue features toys and games from the CEJI imports company.

Enjoy the scans. Have a very merry Christmas and a fruitful and creative New Year!


Below images: Action Joe figures. Action Joe (or Group Action Joe) is the French version of the UK’s Palitoy Action Man and the US’s Hasbro G.I. Joe. Alongside Lego and die cast cars, Action Man was the toy I had ‘the most of’. The below adverts bring back happy memories as I had almost all of the uniforms featured.

Action Joe parachute. Arbois toy catalogue. France C1978.

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Six New Rahan Adverts

Greetings vintage mates. Here are six Rahan print adverts I recently acquired to add to my main Rahan post. 

Rahan. Au Pays de L’etrange. Pif Gadget 593. 1980.

Rahan is a fictional lone-warrior who wanders prehistorical earth on a journey of self-discovery and to help others. He made his first appearance in February 1969 in the French comic book Pif Gadget then later went on to feature in his own albums. Such was the character’s popularity in France that an action figure was licensed by Group Action Joe (the French version of G.I. Joe / Action Man).

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Retro Fashions You Cannot Afford To Be Without This Winter! Plus, FREE WordPress “writing prompt” tee-shirts at only $9.99 a pop!

Nasa Flight Suit by Watkin Jackets. Starlog N°65. 1982. US.

Worried about winter heating VS winter eating? Can’t afford to doff your cap to your government’s winter-survival-best-laid-plans-thinktank-advice? Maybe, like me, right now, you’re wearing two tee-shirts and two hoodies and a scarf, while sitting at your desk/studio and wondering: why am I working fulltime yet can’t afford to pay my bills…

Fear not, vintage mates… TVTA brings you some super cool retro fashions to warm the cockles of your chilled bone marrow as winter takes it bite while fat cat fat pigs the world over get richer at the milk bowl and feeding trough. Burrrrp! And at least we have WordPress to offer us writing prompts if ever we are too hungry or cold to think of an idea ourselves! 

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WordPress seems to be going a bit Nineteen Eighty-Four all of a sudden…


“What is one thing you would change about yourself?” (question posed by WordPress to me today, Dec 5 2022)

Greetings vintage mates. Has anyone else been receiving spammy questions from WordPress, such as the one above, whenever you prepare to draft a new post or copy an older post?

The reason I ask is because last Saturday (3 Dec) as I was preparing to draft a post, a WordPress question appeared on my draft page: “What are your feelings about eating meat?” Below is the screenshot.

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So much style! Pénéla N°10 and 11, 1968.

Style. Pénéla N°10.

Pénéla No 10. La Tempête de Neige by Pouchkine. Illustrated by Jacques Taillefer.

Pénéla No 10. La Tempête de Neige by Pouchkine. Illustrated by Jacques Taillefer.

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