Zombie cats, office cats, science cats and 1970s toy ads…

While hunting mice today, our office cat, Wooof, found these five French vintage 1970s adverts lodged down the back of the refrigerator. We hope they haven’t been there since the 70s (unlike our sub editor’s Christmas cheese selection or, indeed, the fridge itself!).

Anyway, we’ve been looking for these ads for ages. Well done Wooof, treat yourself to the afternoon off and go and visit some cat-science exhibitions in the town centre or something. You may also wish to send a get-well-soon card to brave Bart the zombie Cat

Here are the ads…

Kojak's action-packed Buick by Corgi. France. Pif Gadget. 1977.

Kojak’s action-packed Buick by Corgi. France. Pif Gadget. 1977.

Create your own medieval world with Playmo. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Create your own medieval world with Playmo. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Sindy Disneyland drawing competition. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Sindy Disneyland drawing competition. France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

France. Pif Gadget. 1978.

Pif Gadget comic character, Rahan, even gets his own action figure courtesy of Group Action Joe - he French version of Action Man! France. PIf Gadget. 1978.

Pif Gadget comic character, Rahan, even gets his own action figure courtesy of Group Action Joe – the French version of Action Man! France. PIf Gadget. 1978.