500th Post at The Vintage Toy Advertiser!

It’s a milestone moment for TVTA as we celebrate our 500th post.

I remember moving over to WordPress in the spring of 2011 and thinking: “well, this seems like a good place to be.” Fast forward a few years and my thoughts haven’t changed a bit. Much of this is down to you, dear readers and fellow bloggers, for checking out, sharing, liking and commenting on my posts and helping to make TVTA’s mission a whole lot of interesting fun. Thanks WP mates šŸ™‚

So, what’s hot off the scanner to celebrate post NĀ° 500… some obscure toy ad? Barbie, Etch A Sketch, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog? No, but there were a few little clues back there wink wink

How about some horror film ads, vinyl records, video games, poetry or kitchen work units?

Nope, none of those. And definitely no clown ads!!

So what is it then?

it had better be good!

It is…

ā€¦ After an executive board meeting with Wooof, the cat and I have decided to celebrate our special 500th toy story with Toy Story! All told in the wonderful style of Japanese chirashi movie posters.

Regular readers will know how much we love our Japanese chirashi around here šŸ™‚

So let’s hand over to Woody and Buzz and co for TVTA’s 500th post ā€¦ Toy Story!

As always, thanks for looking šŸ™‚



Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Edit: September 2019. Adding Toy Story 4.

Toy Story 4 (2019)

In other Toy Story news ā€¦
Toy Story 2 Japanese Movie Programme cover, centrefold and adverts

Disneyland x3. Original 90s Buzz Lightyear toy. DVDs

To infinity and beyond! Until next timeĀ  šŸ™‚

Photographs TVTA. Images scanned by TVTA from private collection. Updated September 2019 with new images.