Vintage Wooden Toys and Puzzles

Traditional, sturdy and perfect for inquisitive hands and minds! Wooden toys and puzzles have proved themselves to be an enduring early-years toy for generations of children. The push-along baby-walker loaded with bricks, the wooden train set, the shape-sorter, trikes and rocking horses, the Steinmeier post WWII material and jobs shortage-inspired wood puzzles with their grab handles – I’ll bet most of us had at least one of these as a child?

Below is a selection of catalogue scans for brands such as Steinmeier, Brio and Tiger Toys. Click images to go bigger. Thanks for looking.

Steinmeier wooden toys. Fair-Play. 1980. France.

Steinmeier wooden toys. 1980. Fair-Play. France.

Brio. Fair-Play. France. 1980.

Brio. Fair-Play. France. 1980.

Brio. Hamleys. 1983. UK.

Tiger Toy wooden baby walker. Hamleys. France. 1983.

Wooden trike and learning bricks. Hamleys. France. 1983.

Wooden block toys and pull-alongs. Hamleys. France. 1983.

Wooden bead toys. Hamleys. 1983. UK.

Wooden toys. Arbois toy catalogue. France C1978.

Kouvalias wooden toys. Arbois toy catalogue. France C1978.

Post updated with new images December 2022.