MOUSETRAP… turn the crank and snap the plank

Mousetrap is a board game from the Ideal toy company that was produced in 1963. It’s gameplay can be perhaps best summed up by one if its advertisement jingles from the 1990s:

“Just turn the crank, and snap the plank, and boot the marble right down the chute, now watch it roll and hit the pole, and knock the ball in the rub-a-dub tub, which hits the man into the pan. The trap is set, here comes the net! Mouse trap, I guarantee, it’s the craziest trap you’ll ever see.”

The pic below shows a 1972 Ideal catalogue page.

UK. Ideal Catalogue page. 1972.

1980 advert showing the French version of the game known as Traque-Souris.

Pif 608 1980 Mouse Trap Traque Souris Idealwm

France. Pif Gadget. 1980.