So much style! Pénéla N°14 and 15, 1968.

Pénéla was a monthly women’s lifestyle magazine published in France throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The magazine was presented in a library format and was dedicated to fashion, style, beauty, home and garden decor, cooking and the arts. Alongside the many wonderful photos found inside a typical issue, Pénéla featured artist illustrations to accompany famous poems, quotes and short stories.

TVTA is pleased to present selected images from issues N°14 and N°15 from 1968, as part of an ongoing series of Pénéla.


Illustration by Coline. Pénéla No 14. June 1968.

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So much style! Pénéla N°12, 1968.

Cover. Pénéla No 12. April, 1968.

Pénéla was a monthly women’s lifestyle magazine published in France throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The magazine was presented in a library format and was dedicated to fashion, style, beauty, home and garden decor, cooking and the arts. Alongside the many wonderful photos found inside a typical issue, Pénéla featured artist illustrations to accompany famous poems, quotes and short stories.

TVTA is pleased to present issue N°12 from April 1968, as part of its series featuring selected scans from various Pénéla issues.

Victor Hugo. Pénéla No 12, April 1968.

Pénéla No 12, April 1968. Illustration by Christiane Neuville.

Pénéla No 12. April 1968. Illustration by Jacques Taillefer.

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So much style! Pénéla N°13, 1968.

Cover. Pénéla No 13. May 1968.

Pénéla was a monthly women’s lifestyle magazine published in France throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The magazine was presented in a library format and was dedicated to fashion, style, beauty, home and garden decor, cooking and the arts. Alongside the many wonderful photos found inside a typical issue, Pénéla featured artist illustrations to accompany famous poems, quotes and short stories.

TVTA is pleased to present issue N°13 from May 1968, as part of an upcoming series featuring selected scans from various Pénéla issues.

Ronsard. Illustration by B. Chartres.

Illustration by Coline.

Illustration by Christiane Cardinale.

Advert: Calor hair irons.

Advert: Sartel sewing accessories. Pénéla No 13.

Advert: Boom-Mince slimming clothes. Pénéla No 13 May.

Photo: Jean Daniel Lorieux/Aarons.

Look out for more scans from Pénéla magazine coming to TVTA soon!

Don’t forget to book your hair appointment!

Now you will never forget your monthly hair appointments with this handy Hairdressing Diary!*

*Time travel machine with coordinates set to 1967 required.

TVTA is pleased to present the pages of Agenda Coiffure 1967, a freebie given away by selected hairdressers to customers to remind them when to pencil-in their upcoming hair appointments.

There is no publishing info on the calendar, and my best guess is that some company provided these to outlets with the option to stamp their business details on the back cover.

My top-three favourite hairstyle models throughout the year is Miss December, Miss October and Miss September. Which is your favourite hairstyle?

Below. Loose translation: “This 1967 hairdressing calendar is strictly personal. It allows you to note the date and hour of your hairdressing appointments throughout 1967”. Introducing: Miss January.

Below. Miss February and Miss March.

Below. Miss April and Miss May.

Below. Miss June and Miss July.

Below. Miss August and Miss September.

Below. Miss October and Miss November.

Below. Miss December.

Below. Hairdresser’s business stamp. Mr Paul Tardy of Coiffure Dames, Chambery. Best wishes for the New Year.

That’s all folks. Thank you for blowdrying with us!

When you next go shopping, don’t forget to pick up…

Greetings vintage mates!

Whether you are a high street shopper, a mega-store moocher, a mail-order junkie, a catalogue queen or a flea-market freak… make sure you pick up these items* the next time you go shopping!

*time-travel to the 1960s may be required for certain items subject to availability.

Shopping list: Ajax cleaner, Pax washing powder, Palmolive washing-up liquid, Mir washing powder, Orlane and Juvena cosmetics, Banga orange juice, Gayelord Hauser Vitamin Pills.

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Spring and summer fashions of 1963

It’s been more than an extraordinary spring and summer 2020, thanks to Covid-19. For some of us the holidays and beach and the fashions which compliment these two seasons have been drastically modified, or cancelled altogether.

TVTA takes a look back at the pages of 1963 – to a calmer, pandemic-free time when spring and summer promised an abundance of fun and pleasure.

Photographs and illustrations courtesy of the 1963 spring-summer catalogue from La Redoute. La Redoute is one of France’s most successful clothing and home decor companies, founded in 1837 in Roubaix.

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Street art – a Sunday morning walk through an old town in Provence

When the Ice Melts, the Polar Bear is Grumpy. By Jean-Marc Navello.

This Sunday morn, I was making my way to get a baguette and croissants in a part of town I seldom travel, when I came across this polar bear and other street art to make you stop and stare. In truth, I’d seen this the week before, but didn’t have my camera on me. This morning I did 🙂

Below: also by Jean-Marc Navello.

Below: The Kid… (artist unknown)

Below: the town mural. Many French towns and villages have huge murals like this one painted on a side of a building. This scene depicts the town in older and more rural days.


Then there is the local primary school… and a huge, magnificent fantasy scene based on the town in magical days before us humans went trudging about early in the morn in search of a baguette and croissants…

The artist: Loïko

Le Rocher of La Garde. The 11th century castle and chapel depicted from alternative views…

Le Rocher. La Garde. photo par TVTA.

Below: perpetuating the myth of certain creatures which inhabit the New York sewer system (and we’re not talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).

Woof! (not Wooof)

Meow! (not Wooof)

And finally, a retro poster found about town… and another polar bear to end a post which began with a polar bear.

If you would like to learn more about polar bears, then check out TVTA’s polar-bear-in-a-fridge!!!

For now, that’s all folks. Thanks for taking an early morning stroll with us 🙂