Retro Fashions You Cannot Afford To Be Without This Winter! Plus, FREE WordPress “writing prompt” tee-shirts at only $9.99 a pop!

Nasa Flight Suit by Watkin Jackets. Starlog N°65. 1982. US.

Worried about winter heating VS winter eating? Can’t afford to doff your cap to your government’s winter-survival-best-laid-plans-thinktank-advice? Maybe, like me, right now, you’re wearing two tee-shirts and two hoodies and a scarf, while sitting at your desk/studio and wondering: why am I working fulltime yet can’t afford to pay my bills…

Fear not, vintage mates… TVTA brings you some super cool retro fashions to warm the cockles of your chilled bone marrow as winter takes it bite while fat cat fat pigs the world over get richer at the milk bowl and feeding trough. Burrrrp! And at least we have WordPress to offer us writing prompts if ever we are too hungry or cold to think of an idea ourselves! 

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I’ve been treffing

I like to tref… There, at last, I’ve said it. Truth is, I’m a bit of a trefologist, and I follow trefology because I am interested in learning about life.

If you haven’t yet treffed then I wholeheartedly recommend you do. To find out more about the wonderful world of trefology, get yourself over to fellow WP blog site trefology and follow the fun. You won’t regret it.

An ant story


I wanted to capture ants

Not just any ants, but special ants who wear velvet slippers

So I sprinkled sugar over my terrace to act as bait

And soon a colony of ants in velvet slippers arrived to feast

But then came anteaters in moccasins, who gobbled up the ants

Followed by coyotes in ballet shoes, who ate the anteaters

Followed then by mountain lions in hiking boots, who ate the coyotes

Followed by pandas in clogs from Amsterdam, who ate the mountain lions

By evening my terrace resembled some apocalyptic wasteland of bones and shoes, and I was forced to call the police on the surviving pandas, who were staring at me hungrily

When the police finally came, they ate the pandas, plus their clogs, plus all the other shoes left on my terrace, and then they promptly left, complaining of indigestion

Which is a rookie detective mistake to make – eating such a tough meal as all that while responding to an incident…

So, I dedicate my new book to those hungry police officers: Eats pandas, shoes, and leaves.


If the Very Hungry Caterpillar had been gobbled up by a tree snake at the beginning of its quest to eat, then thousands upon thousands of books might have been spared from the indignity of being sold with holes in their pages.


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Thank you for wearing shoes and dining with us 😍🍕🥨🍰🍭🍺🍷🍴🥄🥢

With thanks to Lynne Truss, Eric Carle, and trefology.

Words by the editor. Images from the collection of TVTA. ‘learn life learn trefology’ flyer by trefology.