Toy shop goodness: Hamleys of Regent Street, London W.1.

Peter and Jane: We Have Fun. Lady Bird Books. 1964 / 2004.

Hamleys toy shop based in Regent Street, London, England, was founded in 1760 by William Hamley. It is the biggest and oldest toy shop in the world, and prides itself on selling not only traditional toys but newer toys that enter the market. Hamleys Book of Toys, Sports and Games, Christmas 1983 states

“Whilst traditional toys and dolls are as popular as ever, a vast revolution has nevertheless taken place in toyland. Electronic games and home computers have captured the imagination of children and their parents throughout the world.”

The Hamleys book goes on to announce the creation of a vast 4,000 sq. ft electronic games complex called ‘A Step Ahead’ with trained technology advisors on hand to guide customers through what surely must have been described back then as ‘video game heaven’.

A Step Ahead. 1983. Hamleys.

Hamleys also announce another new department ‘Small World’ featuring international dolls furniture and miniatures, as well as extra space given over for their ground floor Star Wars department.

The 123 page Hamleys Christmas book is wonderfully presented with photographs and descriptive text, giving us a sense of not just what the toys looked like back in 1983 but what they did, too. Enjoy the scans!

The 1983 Christmas Book of Toys, Sports and Games by Hamleys. Front and rear cover. The front ‘cover subject’ is “Toy Lady” while the back features one of Hamleys famous bears.

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Dolls and Fashion Toys from the 1960s, 70s and 80s

1984. France. Pif Gadget.

Many will be familiar with famous doll brands like Barbie and Sindy, but how about Kenner’s Glamour Gals or Dusty and Skye? Or Mattel’s The Littles? Or even Mattel’s doll of French singing icon Chantal Goya? What about ABBA dolls? And how about those lifesize fashion doll heads upon which you could apply make-up and create hair dos?

Below are some scans of a number of doll adverts I’ve been collecting over the past few years. Don’t forget to check out TVTA’s awesome Barbie section packed with retro Barbie goodness!

Barbie Magic Hair. 1960s. France.

Barbie et Skipper. Benelux. 1970.

UK. Prima. 1987.

Barbie. UK. Prima. 1987.

Olivia. France. Cora Christmas catalogue. 1988.

Tammy. 1960s. France.

Doll World. Aug 1984. Contains a feature on the large size action figure range from Kenner.

USA. Superman 296. 1976.

Dusty and Skye. USA. Superman 296. 1976.

France. Pif Gadget. 1979.

Olivia. France. Pif Gadget. 1979.

France. Pif Gadget. 1982.

Mademoiselle. France. Pif Gadget. 1982.

France. Pif Gadget. 1979.

Vanny. France. Pif Gadget. 1979.

France. Pif Gadget. 1981.

The Littles. France. Pif Gadget. 1981.

France. Pif Gadget. 1979. Mattel created this special doll and accessories after French singer Chantal Goya.

France. Pif Gadget. 1979. Mattel created this special doll and accessories after French singer Chantal Goya.

Denmark. 1978. ABBA dolls licensed by Matchbox. These dolls came with a range of fashion accessories.

Charlie’s Angels dolls by Raynal. 1977.

French Miro-Meccano Motta ice cream promotion featuring the Star Wars large size action figure dolls.

France. Pif Gadget. 1980.

Petites Amies. France. Pif Gadget. 1980.

Sindy. Denmark. Anders And & Co. 1981.

Sindy. US. FAO Schwarz catalogue 1980/1981

Line doll. 1960s. France.

Fleur dolls. Speelboom Journal. 1987.

France. Pif Gadget. 1983.

Cabbage Patch Kids. France. Pif Gadget. 1983.

France. Pif Gadget. 1983.

Glamour Girls. France. Pif Gadget. 1983.

France. Pif Gadget. 1983.

Glamour Girls. France. Pif Gadget. 1983.

Brazil. Zé Carioca N° 1693. 1984.

Strawberry Shortcake. Brazil. Zé Carioca N° 1693. 1984.

US. 1977. Jaime Sommers Bionic Woman large size action doll and accessories.

Jaime Sommers, Bionic Woman. 1977. France.

France. Pif Gadget. 1981. Joué Club advert featuring the Carolle Bébé Chéri and the Bébé Pitchoun dolls.

France. Pif Gadget. 1981. Joué Club advert featuring the Carolle Bébé Chéri and the Bébé Pitchoun dolls.

France. Pif Gadget. 1988.

Petra. France. Pif Gadget. 1988.

Matilda. Denmark. 1980.

Monchhichi dolls. FAO Schwarz Fall Winter catalogue 1980/81. US.

Beautiful Crissy. Ideal. 1972. US.

Thanks for looking 🙂

Latest ads: Forbidden Planet, RPGs, Superhero Watches, Strawberry Shortcake and Big Jim

These latest retro paperworks from the UK, US and Brazil have just been added to the archive.

UK. 2000 AD's Dice Man #1. 1986.

UK. 2000 AD’s Dice Man #1. 1986.

UK. 2000 AD Dice Man #1 cover art by Glenn Fabry.

UK. 2000 AD Dice Man #1 cover art by Glenn Fabry. 1986.

UK. 2000 AD Dice Man #1.

UK. 2000 AD Dice Man #1. 1986.

US. Jonah Hex. 1978.

US. Jonah Hex. 1978.

Brazil. Chico Bento. 1985.

Brazil. Chico Bento. 1985.

US. Superman 296. 1976.

US. Superman 296. 1976.


Strawberry Shortcake

Tower template [Converted]

Strawberry Shortcake is a character line created by the American Greetings company. The line was originally made for greetings cards, later developing into other products such as dolls, toys, video games, books, a TV series and TV specials, and a film.

Strawberry Shortcake. UK. Hamleys Christmas Book. 1983.

The following two adverts are from Brazil where Charlotte is known as Moranguinho.

Brazil. Zé Carioca N° 1693. 1984.

Strawberry Shortcake. Brazil. Zé Carioca N° 1693. 1984.

Brazil. Chico Bento. 1985.

Strawberry Shortcake. Brazil. Chico Bento. 1985.

In France Charlotte is known as Charlotte Aux Fraises.

France. Trampline Catalogue. 1980.

Strawberry Shortcake. France. Trampline Catalogue. 1980.

Strawberry Shortcake. 1979 Miro-Meccano catalogue page.

Strawberry Shortcake. 1979 Miro-Meccano catalogue page. France.

Further reading: Stawberry Shortcake official site