Toy shop goodness: Hamleys of Regent Street, London W.1.

Peter and Jane: We Have Fun. Lady Bird Books. 1964 / 2004.

Hamleys toy shop based in Regent Street, London, England, was founded in 1760 by William Hamley. It is the biggest and oldest toy shop in the world, and prides itself on selling not only traditional toys but newer toys that enter the market. Hamleys Book of Toys, Sports and Games, Christmas 1983 states

“Whilst traditional toys and dolls are as popular as ever, a vast revolution has nevertheless taken place in toyland. Electronic games and home computers have captured the imagination of children and their parents throughout the world.”

The Hamleys book goes on to announce the creation of a vast 4,000 sq. ft electronic games complex called ‘A Step Ahead’ with trained technology advisors on hand to guide customers through what surely must have been described back then as ‘video game heaven’.

A Step Ahead. 1983. Hamleys.

Hamleys also announce another new department ‘Small World’ featuring international dolls furniture and miniatures, as well as extra space given over for their ground floor Star Wars department.

The 123 page Hamleys Christmas book is wonderfully presented with photographs and descriptive text, giving us a sense of not just what the toys looked like back in 1983 but what they did, too. Enjoy the scans!

The 1983 Christmas Book of Toys, Sports and Games by Hamleys. Front and rear cover. The front ‘cover subject’ is “Toy Lady” while the back features one of Hamleys famous bears.

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Steiff plush animals – for ever yours

Since 1880, Steiff has been making plush toys and collectibles that set the world standard for quality. Each Steiff animal is meticulously hand-sewn and hand-finished by our staff of talented artisans in Giengen, Germany. The company is perhaps best-known for its bears – Steiff invented the Teddy bear in 1902. Since the firm was founded by Margarete Steiff in 1880, more than 16,000 different designs for animals have been created. Vintage Steiff pieces are regularly sold on the secondary market for thousands of dollars.

Steiff animals are made from mohair, alpaca, cashmere, 100 percent cotton velvet, 100 percent wool felt, and valuable woven plush – a material usually reserved for the high fashion industry. Manufacturing is still done by hand in our 103-year-old factory in Germany. Steiff products are often considered family heirlooms and are passed from generation to generation.

Steiff toys last so long because they are extremely well-made and vigorously tested – surpassing all U.S. and international toy safety standards. Vintage Steiff toys from the company’s earlier years have sold at auction for more than $100,000. Collectors treasure Steiff products for their artistry, beauty, and lasting value. Children love their friendly faces, cuddly fur, and realistic designs. When “only the best” is good enough, Steiff is the only choice. Steiff North America, Inc. 

Margaret Strong Bears / The Strong Museum

1985 catalogue

1986 catalogue

Hamleys catalogue page, 1983, UK

Steiff catalogue scans from the 1974 / 1975 winter / fall catalogue. US.


Post updated with new scans 08/05/23. Information taken from SteiffUSA,com


FAO Schwarz – The Unique Toy Store

FAO Schwarz was established in 1862 in New York and is one of the oldest toy stores in the world, in a spirit similar to that of the UK’s Hamleys.

FAO Schwarz (FAO = Frederick August Otto) offered children and parents a choice of quality and long-lasting toys, games, hobbies, books and crafts. By 1980 the company had evolved from their famous flagship 5th Avenue, New York store to twenty-eight stores across the US.

Below are scans taken from the Fall-Winter 1980-81 catalogue.

FAO Schwarz website and history