The 1980 Trampline catalogue – how much toy goodness can you take?

Trampline Cat PG 608 1980 01 cover POST

Cover. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

The 1980 French Trampline catalogue features some well-known toys that were sold around the world during the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s. With products on offer such as French-licensed versions of Etch A Sketch, Action Man, Star Wars, Strawberry Shortcake, the Magic Treehouse toy, Evel Knievel, Lego, Lundby and Merlin, and including brands like Mattel, Revell, Ideal, Smoby, Joustra, Playskool and Miro-Meccano… the 1980 Trampline catalogue would have been a must-have publication for parents seeking to delight their children with a special gift!

Enjoy the scans! If you are interested in ordering a digital image of anything you see, contact us in the comments or at:

Lego and Playskool. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

Trampline Cat PG 608 1980 02 POST

Music Star 2000, Etch A Sketch, Merlin, Dodo Doll, Action Man. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

CrΓ©ations Vullierme car game and Strawberry Shortcake. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

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Lundby, Smoby and Maniac. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

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Tente, Magic Treehouse and Evel Knievel. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

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Shrinky Dinks, Vullierme Modulixo and Mattel Electronics. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

Trampline Cat PG 608 1980 06 POST

Joustra radio-controlled cars. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

Trampline Cat PG 608 1980 07 POST

Suspense and Intrigue games, Star Wars figures, Dolly Pops. Trampline Catalogue. 1980. France.

Thanks for looking!

11 thoughts on “The 1980 Trampline catalogue – how much toy goodness can you take?

    • I also had it. Was such a fun, simple toy really. Great memories making ramps out of Ladybird books so that Evel’s bike could perform leaps! Or making him crash into squadrons of toy plastic soldiers lol. I was also lucky to also have the camper van which came with removable plastic sides so that you could easily access inside the van. It had a lot of accessories too, like toolkits and oil cans. Brilliant toys.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh wow, that van sounds brilliant! I had two of the bikes, one was the regular bike, and the other had kind of sparklers in the clear red exhausts at the sides that would crackle and glow as you wound it up! So cool! πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, the camper van was really cool. Oh wow, now you mention it I remember the adverts on TV for that bike with the red exhausts which would crackle and glow! In fact, looking at my print advert collection I can see that it was actually called the ‘Super Jet Cycle’, and that my van was called the ‘Scramble Van’. They made a fair few vehicles and accessories for the line, including a Formula 1 Dragster! See ads:

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes, that the one! Brilliant adverts. The Super Jet Cycle was so much fun, I think it had tiny flints in each side that made the exhausts crackle? Would’ve loved to have had that van as well! I see in those ads there was a dragster as well with a parachute! Bet that was cool! πŸ™‚

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