Barbie, Ken and Midge Wardrobe Booklet, 1962 (yellow version)

Here is the third of the three 1962 Barbie in-pack booklets I recently added to my collection. These beautifully illustrated catalogues show the fashion range available back when Barbie was just 3 years old!

Alongside dozens of fashion items for Barbie, Midge and Ken, other gems found inside the catalogues are the Barbie board game, the Dream House and Fashion Shop, knitting patterns, Trousseau Set and the Barbie fan club and magazine.

Below are the complete scans from the yellow version wardrobe booklet – Barbie, Ken and Midge.

More Barbie catalogues and adverts can be seen here

As always, thanks for looking 🙂

24 thoughts on “Barbie, Ken and Midge Wardrobe Booklet, 1962 (yellow version)

  1. Somehow my comment disappeared.
    Anyway, I got 4 more pics from here, I found my Barbie (she still has both her shoes) & I’ll be starting an Art Gown for her sometime in July…. for the Barbie post on Art Gowns! 😀 x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Okay! I’ve got 7 Barbie gowns from your post. I found my Barbie Doll (1990-ish). She was a rock’n’roll Barbie. I need to put her back in her outfit, and research that. I did a brief search, but there are too, many Barbies.
    Anyway… long curly blonde hair and the outfit is pink and lime green. She played guitar, I think. OH, lime green shoes! I still have them! OMG… I have the perfect sequin fabric! (unless I need to change my mind) Her hair is a disaster! I’ll have to do some kind of updo.
    I should be able to begin making an Art Gown for her in about a month.
    I’m working on some things I’d like to say in the post. I want it to be very positive, and not Barbie bashing. BX

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree they would look good framed. Maybe in clip frames so they could stay intact, showing different pages, changing the page periodically to new images. They’re only small too, so the three I have could fit in one frame. (hmm, ideas) – thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good question, and I do! Some are in folders on bookshelves, lots of comics and mags in boxes inside cupboards. Not too bad. I used to have a large toy collection full of cars and play sets and action figures and such, but I downsized it as it ate up all the space.
      Paper is better now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi TVTA, I still find it hard to believe these are catalogues for a toy range, they look more like fashion designers’ sketches and designs. I can only imagine the efforts that were put into these booklets.
    And on a slightly different note I have your latest toy tie-in lightsaber design coming up this weekend…we have the technology to rebuild him!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi FT. These catalogues really are gorgeous, and I was pretty lucky picking up three of them for a good price. If I can find others I will. The Barbie team back then used real fashion designers and illustrators, and Mattel spared no expense when it came to promoting the line. One thing I love about toy advertising from the 60s and the 70s is the use of real artists to advertise brands and design packaging – as opposed to photography which is seen more in the 80s and onwards. Many of the 60s/70s ads and catalogues are absolute works of art, and a pleasure to collect.
      Ah,,, lightsaber toy tie-in technology alert! Thanks FT. Looking forward to the weekend post … “Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster!” 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Dee. Pretty, classy and sophisticated are apt words. It must have been such a thrill and complete novelty for kids back in the late 50s and early 60s to have so many fashion outfits to choose for a doll line. No wonder Barbie was an instant success.


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