In zany we trust – you do have to be mad to work here…

“There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.” Aristotle

Greetings, vintage mates. A funny thing happened to TVTA on the way to archives… we got a little more zanier than usual… I blamed the cat, and he blamed me, then we called it quits and decided to blame Denise over at Girlie On The Edge Blog

If you would like to blame Denise too, then why not follow her lovely blog and join in the zany fun that is Six Sentence Stories!

Here is our zany detour in all its kooky glory…

Oxford English Dictionary definition of zany


(comparative zanier, superlative zaniest)


  1. strange or unusual in a humorous way
  2. synonyms: wacky; crazy; funny; kooky

… and now… TVTA brings you (a most zany): SIX SENTENCE STORY

Zany Janey



There was a young girl called Janey

who everyone thought was zany.


T’was largely her diet

which caused such disquiet

for Janey ate everything with gravy.


Cornflakes and gravy, poached eggs with gravy,

bananas and gravy, hot chocolate and gravy,

peanuts with gravy, fish fingers and gravy,

pancakes and salad and croissants with gravy.


With certain dismay, her mum said one day: ‘Janey it pains me for you to be zany and eat all your food mixed up with gravy.’


Replied Janey quite sanely and with words spoken plainly: ‘Mum don’t berate me for being zany, when at school my friend Daisy says gravy with everything makes you brainy!’


Zany word origin: late 16th century from French zani or Italian zan(n)i, Venetian form of Gianni, Giovanni ‘John’, stock name of the servants acting as clowns in the commedia dell’arte.

… yes, you do have to be mad to work here, and it helps 🙃

Thank you for being zany with us!

24 thoughts on “In zany we trust – you do have to be mad to work here…

  1. I was mad for mad when I was a kid
    I was told if I read it too often my grades would skid.
    I had no intention to pay attention
    And low and behold I wouldn UP in detention!

    Burma Shave…and great six.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. (ok…don’t panic…ever ones mentioning the ‘gravy’… focus, focus!”)
    ‘cellent post, yo.

    Limericks* surely the most deceptively difficult form of poetation** since haiku

    There are few cultural touchstones with as wide an appeal as Alfred E. The magazine was a rite of passage for most of us, back in the day.


    *hopefully, this is in limerick form…
    ** not a ‘real’ word

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cheers, Clark 🙂 I had a lot of fun with this, and it was interesting making sentence N°6 factual and ‘a-part’ from the poem.
      ‘S what I love about writing – the opportunity to work within recognised structures but with freedom to fly 🙂


  3. Your post is pure delight, V. Start to finish.
    (I don’t mind taking the hit, lol. Not when I get to read the wonderful variety of material I do every week.)
    Who knew you were such the poet! Daresay, I shall have “gravy” on the brain tonight 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, D. This was a most fun SSS to take part in – even tho I thought at first: what the heck am I going to do with “zany”?!
      Gravy… rocks! Grew up on it in the UK, and here in France I found a shop that stocks it.
      Thanks for the cool (and zany) prompt this week 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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